
This page provides all of the information that you need to submit and publish your manuscript. We explain how to prepare your article for submission to any of our journal, with the exception of Notes and Records and Biographical Memoirs. We provide additional guidance and support for early career researchers planning to publish their first papers. If you have a query not answered here, please contact us.


Here are a few things to note when submitting your manuscript


Follow the journal’s submission process

•    Once the manuscript is prepared, authors must submit it to the journal for consideration. This process typically involves submitting the manuscript online through the journal’s submission system. Make sure you follow the submission process carefully and provide all the required information

Prepare your manuscript

•    Write clearly and concisely Your manuscript should be written in clear and concise language that is easy to understand. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that may not be familiar to the reader. Use simple, declarative sentences and avoid unnecessary words or phrases. Be sure to proofread your manuscript carefully for grammar and spelling errors.

•    Before submitting a manuscript for publication in a research journal, authors must ensure that their work meets the required standards. This includes ensuring that the manuscript is written clearly and concisely, that it is well-organized, and that it follows the journal’s formatting guidelines. This includes using the correct font and font size, margins, and spacing.

Proofread your manuscript

•    Before submitting your manuscript, make sure you proofread it carefully. Check for any spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors, and make sure your manuscript is well-written and easy to read. You may also want to have someone else proofread your manuscript to catch any errors you may have missed.

Submit your manuscript on time

•    Make sure you submit your manuscript before the deadline specified by the journal. Late submissions may not be accepted, so make sure you plan ahead and give yourself enough time to prepare and submit your manuscript.

Peer-review process

•    Be patient The peer-review process can take several weeks or even months, so be patient and don’t get discouraged if you don’t hear back from the journal right away. If your manuscript is rejected, don’t be discouraged – use the feedback you receive to improve your manuscript and try again with another journal.


•    Be prepared to revise It’s likely that you will receive feedback from the journal’s reviewers, and you may be asked to make revisions to your manuscript. Be prepared to carefully consider this feedback and make any necessary changes to improve your manuscript.




METSZET Journals accepts the following types of manuscripts:

•             Original Research Articles

•             Review Articles

•             Short Communications



2.1. Cover Letter

The cover letter should be included with the submission and should provide a brief overview of the manuscript’s contents, highlighting its significance and potential contributions to the field.

2.2. Title

The title of your manuscript should be concise, informative, and accurately reflect the content of your research. It should be descriptive and informative, while avoiding any unnecessary words or phrases. The title should also be written in a way that is accessible to a broad audience.

2.3. Abstract

The abstract should provide a clear summary of the research, including the objectives, methods, and results. It should be no more than 250 words and should be written in a way that is easily understood by a broad audience.

2.4. Introduction

The introduction should provide a clear statement of the research problem, the objectives of the study, and the hypothesis or research questions being addressed. It should also provide a brief overview of the existing literature on the topic, highlighting the gaps in knowledge that your research aims to address. The introduction should end with a clear statement of the research aim and objectives.

2.5. Materials and Methods

The materials and methods section should provide a detailed description of the research methods used, including the design of the study, the sample size, the data collection methods, and the statistical analyses used. It should include enough detail to enable another researcher to replicate the study. If you are using a well-established methodology, you can refer to previous research for details. If you are using a new or modified methodology, you should provide a clear description of the process.

2.6. Results

The results section should present the findings of your research in a clear and concise manner. You should use tables and graphs to present your data, and avoid duplicating information in the text. You should also describe any statistical analyses that you have carried out, including the significance levels and confidence intervals.

2.7. Discussion

The discussion section should interpret the results in the context of the research problem and the existing literature. You should discuss the implications of the findings, the strengths and limitations of the study, and the implications for future research. You should also avoid over-generalizing the results and making claims that are not supported by the data.

2.8. Conclusion

The conclusion should summarize the main findings of the research and restate the research aim and objectives. It should also provide recommendations for future research and implications for practice.

2.9. Acknowledgements

Authors should acknowledge any financial support, technical assistance, or other contributions to the work.

2.10. References

The references should be formatted according to the journal’s guidelines, using the appropriate citation style and should include all the sources cited in the text. You should ensure that the references are accurate, complete, and up-to-date. You should also avoid citing sources that are not relevant to your research or that do not provide reliable information.

2.11. Figures and Tables

Use tables and figures Tables and figures can be useful for presenting data and summarizing your findings. They should be formatted correctly and should be accompanied by appropriate captions. Be sure to format tables and figures according to the journal’s guidelines, and provide clear captions that explain what each table or figure represents.

2.12. Supplementary Materials

•             Additional materials, such as large datasets, videos, or detailed protocols, may be submitted as supplementary materials.

•             Supplementary materials should be clearly labelled and referenced in the main text.

2.13. Language and Style

You should write your manuscript in clear, concise, and grammatically correct English. You should avoid using jargon, technical terms, or acronyms that are not widely understood. You should also use active voice instead of passive voice, and avoid using first person pronouns.



3.1. Online Submission

•    Manuscripts should be submitted through the METSZET online submission system.
•    During submission, authors will need to provide information about the manuscript type, author details, conflicts of interest, funding sources, and any ethical considerations.

3.2. Peer Review Process

•    All submitted manuscripts will undergo a double-blind peer review process, in which both the authors and reviewers remain anonymous.
•    Reviewers will evaluate the manuscript based on its originality, methodology, results, and overall quality.

3.3. Revision and Resubmission

•    Authors may be asked to revise their manuscript based on reviewer feedback.
•    Revised manuscripts should be submitted with a point-by-point response to the reviewers’ comments.



4.1. Accepted Manuscripts

•             Upon acceptance, manuscripts will undergo final editing and formatting by the METSZET editorial team.

4.2. Proofreading and Corrections

•             Authors will receive a proof of their manuscript for final review and approval before publication.

•             Any corrections should be communicated to the editorial team promptly.

4.3. Copyright and Licensing

•             Authors will be asked to sign a copyright transfer agreement or open access license, depending on the publication model chosen. 

4.4. Open Access and Article Processing Charges

•             METSZET offers both subscription-based and open access publication options.

•             Open access articles will require the payment of an article processing charge (APC) by the authors or their funding institutions.


About Metszet

The ISSN of Metszet journal is 20612710,Metszet is a journal covering the technologies/fields/categories related to Engineering and Business (Q4); Conservation (Q4); Urban Studies (Q4); Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q4).The overall rank of Metszet is 27613. According to SCImago Journal Rank (SJR), this journal is ranked 0.100. SCImago Journal Rank is an indicator, which measures the scientific influence of journals. This journal has an h-index of 2.